Do we not define a covenant as a mutual agreement between two parties? Is that not the description by which we recognize a covenant in the Bible?
Now let us consider Exodus 31:12-18, And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, [the children of Israel here have the meaning of the blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the twelve tribes, literally], saying, Verily My Sabbaths ye shall keep: FOR IT IS A SIGN BETWEEN ME AND YOU THROUGHOUT YOUR GENERATIONS.... Between God and whom? The twelve tribes, or descendants of Jacob-Israel, God's chosen earthly race. Now WHY? That ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Sanctify -- set apart. The Sabbath, then is their national sign, setting them apart from other nations and peoples, identifying them as God's chosen race. Now does Sabbath-keeping set one apart? You and I know that it does. The rest of the world sets us apart mighty quick when we begin to keep it. Ye shall keep the Sabbath, therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone that defileth it shall surely be put to death. Now death ordinarily means cut off, generally from God.
Note, however, that the following words seem to define the meaning here. For whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off FROM AMONG HIS PEOPLE. Cut off from God? No, it says cut off from his people -- Israel. Cut off from being considered one of God's chosen earthly race of people. So, then, consider an Israelite. And, as you know, there is ample scriptural evidence that an outsider can be GRAFTED IN, and considered an ADOPTED child of Israel. And this passage I am discussing tells what cuts one off, and what the national sign is.
Why does violation of the Sabbath cut one off from Israel? To observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, FOR A PERPETUAL COVENANT. Get that word COVENANT. The Sabbath, then, is a covenant, all by itself. And THIS covenant is given as a PERPETUAL covenant. A WHOLLY SEPARATE AND DISTINCT COVENANT IN ITSELF. Entirely apart from the Ten Commandments. That is, God here takes ONE of those Ten Commandments, and makes a separate and distinct and perpetual covenant out of it. God, the party of the first part, agrees to be their God that doth set them apart as His chosen people, provided the children of Israel, party of the second part, keep His Sabbath command. Failure on the part of the party of the second part to perform their side of the covenant agreement annuls God's promise to keep His part of the agreement of setting them apart as His chosen people. Thus, failure to keep the Sabbath breaks the covenant and cuts one off from being of Israel. The passage continues, It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel FOREVER.
The Sabbath, here is presented as the SIGN which God gave to Israel between Him and them. It formed a new and separate covenant. THIS covenant is a perpetual covenant, to be a sign FOREVER. I am fully aware of the fact that this passage has been used time and again by both the Church of God and the Adventists. But has it been used as a SEPARATE COVENANT by itself? Has it been considered in the light here analyzed? Let us analyze it further. It is a SIGN between them -- pointing to Him as their God, and to them as His chosen people.
such a sign should point to Him AS GOD, and to them AS HIS PEOPLE. Does
this Sabbath sign do that? Yes, in a way nothing else could. The proof
that He is God is the fact of Creation. By pointing to Creation -- by
being a memorial of Creation, it points to Him as the true God. Now how
does it point to them as His people? If you will notice whenever God has
chosen anyone for special office, He has put them to the test of
OBEDIENCE. The test is always one of obedience, and if one can pass that
test, they qualify for the office of being an Israelite, one of God's
chosen. Now consider Isaiah 56:3-7, and see, that by keeping the
Sabbath, the national sign of Israel, an outsider may become grafted in.
I know Paul in the new Testament has quite a little to say about
Gentiles becoming adopted Israelites, but Paul gives other
qualifications. Suppose now, the whole law, the Ten Commandments and
all, were abolished, as the vast majority of churches contend. Will any
contend that this separate Sabbath covenant, this everlasting, perpetual
covenant, was PART OF THE LAW OF MOSES? I think they cannot. It is
distinctly separate, here. A separate covenant by itself. The national
sign of Israel. This covenant, surely, was not abolished at the Cross.
This covenant, surely, is still binding today. Of course that involves
the question of who, today is Israel? Just the Jews? The Jews who are
the remnant of the house of Judah, plus the Ten Lost Tribes, who were a
separate nation called the House of Israel. Shall we say that Israel
today is the saved people who keep the Sabbath, the national sign? Paul
appears to specify salvation and acceptance of Jesus Christ and His
teachings as the requisite to becoming one of Israel. According to this:
Jewish Sabbath-keepers who do not accept Jesus are cut off. Further,
according to Exodus 31:12-18, converted people who are not Jews, and
who keep Sunday and not Sabbath, are not of Israel, because they have
been cut off from Israel by rejecting Israel's national sign. According
to this, then, the body of Israel, today, becomes those who accept
Jesus, observe His teachings and keep the Sabbath. When we consider
Israel in this light, ONLY Israel can be saved.